Transforming the High Tech Educational Pipeline

Moving beyond paideia and focusing on “learning for earning,” as well as “learning for learning.”

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Tom Borkes is a graduate of Hofstra University with a B.S. in Engineering Science, specializing in Mechanical Engineering. Tom has over 35 years of technical and managerial experience in electronic product design, assembly, test, and manufacturing automation. He has also taught in an adjunct capacity for the engineering departments at the City College of New York and Valencia Community College in Florida. 

Transforming the High Tech Educational Pipeline

Moving beyond paideia and focusing on “learning for earning,” as well as “learning for learning.”


This webinar analyzes the traditional role our educational system plays in making a student ready for a real-world career and the widening gap in product design, engineering, and manufacturing.

The webinar asserts that to be most effective in a globally competitive, cost-sensitive environment, students need to be introduced to product design, engineering, and production when they enter the educational pipeline and continue to be exposed to elements of our ever-changing technology as they move along through the pipeline’s primary segment.

As they enter the secondary, postsecondary and perhaps post-graduate segments, the necessary development of real-world skills must accompany the normally supplied textbook theory.

In addition, the webinar submits that it is essential that “softer” skills such as critical thinking and “working in teams” be acquired during the student’s time in the pipeline.

Finally, the webinar takes these changes that break the traditional engineering educational paradigm of being based solely on the objective of “learning for learning,” adding the attribute of “learning for earning” to a student’s post-secondary engineering education.

Register for our free, 90-minute "Transforming the High Tech Educational Pipeline" webinar and learn how to move beyond paideia and focus on “learning for earning,” as well as “learning for learning.”

This webinar is sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, SME Tampa Bay, Florida Suncoast Chapter 159.